In order to improve the accuracy of incidence rate calculations, particularly in a single-sport setting, it is important to record athlete exposure to training and competition.
This can be done easily by scheduling sessions and competitions/games on the team calendar. Multiple sessions and events can be planned at once and when done, exposure of athletes assigned to these sessions will be captured automatically.
Step 1- Enable the Team Calendar
Open Team settings- Training Monitoring section, enable the Staff button and save.
Step 2- Open the team calendar and schedule training sessions and competitive events
- Open the Calendar menu option
- Select monthly view (under Activity list)
Step 3 - Add sessions and competitive events
To add sessions and events, click on a white space in the calendar.
To add multiple training sessions at once, click on the date displayed at the top of your screen, and, on the small calendar that pops up, click on each appropriate date.
Then, select the start time, the location of the sessions, the activity of the sessions (practice, conditioning, etc.), select the participating athletes (to select only athletes able to compete, check only the ‘Full participation’ box), the session duration and the overall difficulty of the session (if you don’t know select ‘Unknown’), then save.
Tip: to speed up page loading, deselect the ‘Graph’ button.
Modifying and deleting planned sessions
To edit a planned session, open it by clicking on its name in the calendar.
To delete the session, click the X icon
To modify the session, click the blue gear/settings icon
To modify the session for an athlete only, select the green gear/settings icon, pertaining to the athlete