Team setup

Open "Team Settings" for the desired team.

1) Under "General"->"Modules" activate "Catapult Integration" 

2) Enter your Catapult Token and Catapult Team ID in the appropriate boxes, select the API host based on your physical location and save.

3) Catapult data fields will be automatically created in the "Training Forms" - "Custom Fields" section. Feel free to modify the units, calculation and ACWR formulas, but DO NOT change the name of the variable. Click the X to delete unused fields.

Athlete setup

Open each player profile (Athletes menu), and enter the number associated to the player (in the Catapult platform) in the Catapult athlete id field. Then save.

Importing Catapult data

Step 1 - Add a team session to the calendar

Step 2 - Click on the planned session and import data    

  • Open the calendar and click on the planned session for which you want to import data
  • Use the group data collection form to report post-session RPE, or wait for the athletes to record their RPE and other basic training data
  • Then click the import icon
  • Select "Import Catapult Data". 
  • Select the desired Catapult session
  • Then click "Import"