Team setup:
Open "Team Settings" for the desired team.
Under "General"->"Modules" activate "STATSports integration (SONRA)", set "STATSports API Key (SONRA)" to the value provided by STATSports, and save.
The custom fields below will be automatically created "Training Forms" - "Custom Fields".
SONRAdistanceTotal |
SONRAdistancePerMin |
SONRAmaxHeartrate |
SONRAmaxSpeed |
SONRAaccelerationsZ4 |
SONRAaccelerationsZ5 |
SONRAaccelerationsZ6 |
SONRAdecelerationsZ4 |
SONRAdecelerationsZ5 |
SONRAdecelerationsZ6 |
SONRAsprints |
SONRAhighSpeedRunningAbs |
SONRAhmld |
SONRAdsl |
Feel free to modify the units, calculation and ACWR formula, but DO NOT change the name of the variable.
You can also add any other available STATSports Sonra metrics by opening Team settings-Training Forms-Custom fields, and create the following variables as desired.
Make sure to add the prefix ‘SONRA’ before the STATSports field name (eg: to add the 'distanceZ1Rel' metric, enter it as 'SONRAdistanceZ1Rel').
distanceTotal |
distancePerMin |
distanceZ1Rel |
distanceZ2Rel |
distanceZ3Rel |
distanceZ4Rel |
distanceZ5Rel |
distanceZ6Rel |
highSpeedRunningRel |
hsrRelPerMin |
distanceZ1Abs |
distanceZ2Abs |
distanceZ3Abs |
distanceZ4Abs |
distanceZ5Abs |
distanceZ6Abs |
highSpeedRunningAbs |
hsrAbsPerMin |
timeZ1Rel |
timeZ2Rel |
timeZ3Rel |
timeZ4Rel |
timeZ5Rel |
timeZ6Rel |
timeZ1Abs |
timeZ2Abs |
timeZ3Abs |
timeZ4Abs |
timeZ5Abs |
timeZ6Abs |
emd |
metabolicDistanceZ1 |
metabolicDistanceZ2 |
metabolicDistanceZ3 |
metabolicDistanceZ4 |
metabolicDistanceZ5 |
metabolicDistanceZ6 |
metabolicTimeZ1 |
metabolicTimeZ2 |
metabolicTimeZ3 |
metabolicTimeZ4 |
metabolicTimeZ5 |
metabolicTimeZ6 |
maxSpeed |
averageSpeed |
hmld |
hmlTime |
dsl |
dslZ1 |
dslZ2 |
dslZ3 |
dslZ4 |
dslZ5 |
dslZ6 |
dslZ1Time |
dslZ2Time |
dslZ3Time |
dslZ4Time |
dslZ5Time |
dslZ6Time |
speedIntensity |
speedIntensityZ1Rel |
speedIntensityZ2Rel |
speedIntensityZ3Rel |
speedIntensityZ4Rel |
speedIntensityZ5Rel |
speedIntensityZ6Rel |
speedIntensityZ1Abs |
speedIntensityZ2Abs |
speedIntensityZ3Abs |
speedIntensityZ4Abs |
speedIntensityZ5Abs |
speedIntensityZ6Abs |
totalMetabolicPower |
averageMetabolicPower |
impacts |
impactsZ1 |
impactsZ2 |
impactsZ3 |
impactsZ4 |
impactsZ5 |
impactsZ6 |
accelerations |
accelerationsZ1 |
accelerationsZ2 |
accelerationsZ3 |
accelerationsZ4 |
accelerationsZ5 |
accelerationsZ6 |
accelerationDistanceZ1 |
accelerationDistanceZ2 |
accelerationDistanceZ3 |
accelerationDistanceZ4 |
accelerationDistanceZ5 |
accelerationDistanceZ6 |
accelerationTimeZ1 |
accelerationTimeZ2 |
accelerationTimeZ3 |
accelerationTimeZ4 |
accelerationTimeZ5 |
accelerationTimeZ6 |
maxAcceleration |
decelerations |
decelerationsZ1 |
decelerationsZ2 |
decelerationsZ3 |
decelerationsZ4 |
decelerationsZ5 |
decelerationsZ6 |
decelerationDistanceZ1 |
decelerationDistanceZ2 |
decelerationDistanceZ3 |
decelerationDistanceZ4 |
decelerationDistanceZ5 |
decelerationDistanceZ6 |
decelerationTimeZ1 |
decelerationTimeZ2 |
decelerationTimeZ3 |
decelerationTimeZ4 |
decelerationTimeZ5 |
decelerationTimeZ6 |
maxDeceleration |
sprints |
sprintDistance |
entriesZ1Rel |
entriesZ2Rel |
entriesZ3Rel |
entriesZ4Rel |
entriesZ5Rel |
entriesZ6Rel |
entriesZ1Abs |
entriesZ2Abs |
entriesZ3Abs |
entriesZ4Abs |
entriesZ5Abs |
entriesZ6Abs |
maxHeartrate |
hrExertion |
timeHeartrateZ1 |
timeHeartrateZ2 |
timeHeartrateZ3 |
timeHeartrateZ4 |
timeHeartrateZ5 |
timeHeartrateZ6 |
timeInRedZone |
hrLoad |
explosiveDistanceRel |
explosiveDistanceAbs |
fatigueIndex |
accelImpulseTotal |
externalWork |
hrv |
hrrPercent |
hrrBeats |
stepBalance |
dynamicLoadVert |
dynamicLoadLat |
dynamicLoadAnt |
dynamicLoadMag |
dynamicLoadSlow |
totalRightSteps |
rightVerticalImpact |
rightLateralImpact |
rightAntPostImpact |
rightMagImpact |
rightAverageVertImpact |
totalLeftSteps |
leftVerticalImpact |
leftLateralImpact |
leftAntPostImpact |
leftMagImpact |
leftAverageVertImpact |
hibsNumber |
hibsDuration |
hibsDistance |
hibsMaxSpeed |
energyExpenditure |
totalDecelLoading |
totalAccelLoading |
acute |
chronic |
acuteChronicRatio |
Athlete setup:
Open each athlete profile, and copy the STATSports’ "Custom Player Id" value into each "Athlete id" field.
Importing data:
- Open the calendar and click on the planned session for which you want to import data
- Use the group data collection form to report post-session RPE, or wait for the athletes to record their RPE and other basic training data
- Then click the import button for the training.
- Select "Import STATSports SONRA Data".
- Select the desired STATSports session
- Then click "Import"