Yes. You can import Fitstbeat CSV files as is and automatically transfer heart rate data into AthleteMonitoring in just a few seconds. Here is how to do it.

Step 1 - Add custom fields in Team settings

Create the following fields in Team Settings->Training Forms->Custom fields

  • AverageHR | type=decimal | unit=bpm | imported
  • MaxHR | type=decimal | unit=bpm | imported
  • MinHR | type=decimal | unit=bpm | imported
  • TRIMP | type=decimal | unit=% | imported
  • TimeInTrainingZone1 | type=min:sec | unit=min:sec | imported
  • TimeInTrainingZone2 | type=min:sec | unit=min:sec | imported
  • TimeInTrainingZone3 | type=min:sec | unit=min:sec | imported
  • TimeInTrainingZone4 | type=min:sec | unit=min:sec | imported
  • TimeInTrainingZone5 | type=min:sec | unit=min:sec | imported


  • Make sure to select the ‘Imported’ field option so the fields are kept hidden on the athlete’s app
  • Make sure that your athlete first and last names listed in both CSV and AthleteMonitoring athlete profiles are exactly matching
  • Make sure to set custom field names as they appear in your CSV file (eg: "Average HR" will not work, "AverageHR" will)

Step 2 - Import data

  1. Add the session for which you want to import data in the planning calendar.
  2. Make sure that athletes have reported their RPE and feedback or that you have imported their session’s data using the Excel spreadsheet
  3. Use the Firstbeat software to export heart rate data (CSV file) on your computer/tablet.
  4. Click on the session you want to import data 
  5. Click the import button
  6. In the Import Firstbeat Data section, select Firstbeat’s CSV file and click Import
  7. A confirmation message will be displayed

Accessing imported data

Once imported, heart rate data will be accessible in all training graphs, logs and exports