AthleteMonitoring allow sports medicine professionals to classify incidents and diagnose health problems using the Sports Medicine Diagnostic Coding System (SMDCS*) and the Orchard Sports Injury and Illness Classification System (OSIICS). Custom diagnoses are also accepted. 

Note: Diagnosis assignment is only accessible by users with administrator or medical accounts and only users defined as Administrators can delete health problems.

To record a new health problem, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the Health option from the team menu
  2. Click the Add New link
  3. Select an athlete and the type of problem
  4. Click on the body map or an option in the displayed list
  5. For injuries: Under the body map, select the level of pain, affected structure and diagnosis
  6. For illnesses: Select a category and diagnosis
  7. For mental health problems: select the diagnosed health problem
  8. Fill out the remaining options and click Submit. 

To move the unhealthy athlete to another team, click the Team button and select the new team(s).

To add a clinical note when recording a new health problem, click the Add Note button

To assign a diagnosis to an undiagnosed health problem, open the Health tab from the Team dashboard, and click on the Undiagnosed red link to open the problem and record diagnosis.

Then in the Summary tab, click Edit, and follow the instructions. To save the changes, click the Update button located at the bottom of the screen.