The first row indicates the column number and Excel cell type (text, date, etc); the yellow row describes the column content; the 3rd row presents sample data. The yellow row should not be included in the uploaded file.

To assign a single team and all related subgroups to non-admin staff user, enter the team name in the Team column and leave the Subgroup column empty.

To assign multiple teams and all related subgroups to specific non-admin  staff user, enter the team names separated by a semicolon (ie: Team1;Team2;) in the Team column and leave the Subgroup column empty.

To assign specific subgroups from multiple teams to specific non-admin staff user, leave the Team column empty and add each Team - Subgroup combination separated by a semicolon in the Subgroup column (eg: “Team 1 - subgroup name;Team 2 - subgroup name;Team 1 - subgroup name;”). Make sure to separate the team and subgroup names by an hyphen character, not a dash (

To assign specific subgroups from a single team to specific non-admin staff user, leave the Team column empty and add each Team - Subgroup combination separated by a semicolon in the Subgroup column (eg: “Team 1 - subgroup name;Team 2 - subgroup name;Team 1 - subgroup name;”). Make sure to separate the team and subgroup names by an hyphen character, not a dash (


  1. If a team is listed in the ‘Teams’ column then the user will have access to the entire team and all subgroups of the team. The team names can be left blank if there is one or more sub-groups listed in the 'Subgroups' column. 

  2. Subgroups names will need to be fully qualified and prefixed with the parent team’s name (eg: “Team name - subgroup name”).

  3. To link a staff  member to only one subgroup, enter the main team name followed by the subgroup name (eg: “Team name - subgroup name”).  

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