This section explains how to customize the assessment module at the team/ group level.

Activating the assessment module

To activate the Assessment module, open Team settings - General and click on the Staff button (blue=activated). If you wish to enable athletes to access assessment features, also select the Athlete button.

By default, raw data export files do contains athlete names. If you wish to export files with non-identifiable information (ie: anonymized), go to the General-Reports section and select Yes 

Configuring  assessment options

To configure the Assessment module, open Team settings - Assessments

Allowing / disallowing athletes to enter/edit their own results

If you wish to prevent athletes to enter their own results, select 'No'. 

Hiding assessment dates, test batteries and reports from the lists

If you wish to remove specific assessment dates, test batteries and reports for this specific team/group, deselect options in the Assessments, Batteries and Reports. Then Save.