About reminders and notifications

Reminders and notifications are effective ways to improve compliance with data collection, remind athletes who forget to complete the daily questionnaire, and record post-training data. They can also be used to send alerts when athletes are reporting an injury or when a new message or note has been sent.

By default, AthleteMonitoring sends reminders via email, push notification and, if your account has SMS sending enabled (paid option), text messages.

Staff users can enable/disable sending methods for each team and reminder/notification. To disable a reminder, deselect all buttons.

Athlete and staff users can then select the way they receive these messages by opening their user profile, scrolling down to the Receive alerts & notifications section, selecting the sending method of their choice and clicking Save.

Staff can select the method of their choice but can also deselect all methods. In this case, no reminders, alerts and notifications will be received. Athletes must select at least one sending method.

To limit spam and overwhelming athletes and staff with messages, only use one reminder sending method (email, or sms or push notification), use push notification and only activate the most important reminders.

Customizing reminders and notifications

You can customize reminders and notifications by selecting the gear icon next to the Enabled button.

To customize reminders, replace the default text by your own. You can use include dynamic variables to insert the recipient firstname, sending date, etc. at the time of sending. To include a dynamic variable, simply add it to the text, like shown below.



To complete the questionnaire, click on this link: {{WELLNESS_QUESTIONNAIRE_LINK}}


To test the reminders, click the Test button. To save the changes, click Save.

Important note regarding SMS reminders

Dynamic variables can be used in SMS reminders. However:

1) If your reminder uses exclusively the alphabet / character set below, the maximum length of the reminder will be 160 characters

"@Δ 0¡P¿p£_!1AQaq\$Φ\"2BRbr¥Γ#3CScsèΛ¤4DTdtéΩ%5EUeuùΠ&6FVfvìΨ'7GWgwòΣ(8HXhxÇΘ)9IYiy\nΞ*:JZjzØ\e+;KÄkäøÆ,<LÖlö\ræ-=MÑmñÅß.>NÜnüåÉ/?O§oà"

2) If your reminder uses another alphabet / character set, the maximum length of the reminder will be 70 characters.

Activating reminders and notifications

To configure reminders and notifications, open Team settings-Reminders and select Activate. 

Wellness questionnaire reminder: reminds athletes to complete their daily wellness questionnaire
Training reminder: reminds athletes to complete RPE for sessions that occurred the day before
Send daily program: emails a list of daily sessions to athletes
Send every: day(s) during which the reminders above will be sent
Time of the day: time of the day at which the reminders above will be sent

Reply-to: person who will be emailed when athletes are replying to reminders

Weekly health survey reminder: Only available for injury surveillance us

Time of the day: time of the day at which the weekly health survey is sent to athletes.
To define the day at which the weekly health survey must be completed by athletes, scroll down, open the Injury Surveillance (OSTRC) section and select the appropriate Day of Week option.

New health problem: type of notification sent when a new health problem is reported
Health problem update: type of notification used to send when a new health problem is updated
Type of Health Problem: type of problem that triggers alerts. All health problems (any problem recorded by athletes) or substancial problems only (time-loss problems only)

Custom questionnaire reminder: type of reminder sent the day at which a custom questionnaire must be completed
Post-session reminder: reminds athletes to record their RPE immediately after the end of each planned sessions
How long after session: time after which the athletes post-session reminder are sent
Session update: Send a notification to athletes each time a planned session is modified
New media file: Send a notification to athletes and /or staff each time a video/document is added via the Media sharing
Messages: Send a notification every time a message is sent to staff and/or staff

Customizing Welcome email invitations

You can customize email invitations sent to newly registered users by entering your own custom welcome email in the New account invitation section.




Welcome the MySportOrganization – AthleteMonitoring.com Covid-19 Monitoring On-line App.  


This daily questionnaire is required to assist in the safety and well-being of each athlete, coach and traveler that is a part of the MySportOrganization  group. 

Below we have listed a link to allow you to register with our screening system.   

URL Link:            https://app.athletemonitoring.com

Username:         Sample - BillyBob

Password:          Sample - Password1

1.    Once you have registered you will click on the Questionnaire icon and complete the Covid-19 Waiver form.  You will need to read, sign and submit this form. This should be completed before you can continue with the system.

2.    Then you will go to the Wellness - Covid-19 Questionnaire.  

3.    You will receive an email or a push notification every morning from AthleteMonitoring.com.  Please click the link to fill out your first Wellness - Covid-19 Questionnaire.  

4.    You will then receive an email each morning during the trip in Orlando to repeat the Daily Covid-19 Questionnaire.    

John Doe

Director of coaching

