Common issues

Athletes are receiving reminders after they completed their questionnaires
If your athletes are receiving questionnaire reminders even after they've completed them, please check the steps below. Time of day is relative to the t...
Tue, 20 Oct, 2020 at 9:05 AM
I have enabled the workout builder but I still can't plan exercise sessions
If you encounter this issue, make sure that the Team Settings-Training forms-Simplified Monitoring option is set to No. https://support.en.athletemonitori...
Thu, 11 Feb, 2021 at 10:27 AM
One of my athletes have forgotten his / her user name. How can get it back?
To retrieve the athlete’s username, open the team menu, select Athletes, and open the athlete profile. The username is the 3rd field from the top. If you ne...
Tue, 23 Feb, 2021 at 11:07 AM
Athletes can't record sessions anymore
If your athletes cannot record sessions, and see a greyed button instead of a yellow one, disable the Team settings-Training forms-Simplified monitoring opt...
Wed, 10 Mar, 2021 at 10:50 AM
How can I change the systems' language?
Once you are logged in, open your profile (top right corner for staff users and gear icon located in the bottom of the page for athletes) and select your la...
Thu, 20 Jan, 2022 at 2:01 PM
If an athlete misses the wellness questionnaire one day, is it possible to go back and fill in the data for the missing day?
No. When the athlete doesn’t complete the questionnaire one day, it cannot be filled out later. We’ll add this feature soon but now it is not possible.
Wed, 8 Mar, 2023 at 11:26 AM
My system is running slow. What can I do?
If your system is running slow, try these tips: 1) On the team dashboard, open the Notes tab and remove those you have read by clicking the X button. Th...
Mon, 4 Sep, 2023 at 5:56 PM
Is there a way to permanently delete staff users?
Staff users linked to notes and documents can be deactivated but not deleted. This is to prevent the loss of data when a staff is deleted.   When a staff ...
Mon, 29 Apr, 2024 at 8:55 AM